College Phone - (0278) 2424142
College Email -

Directorate of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & F.W. Gujarat State, Gandhinagar
Recognised by C.C.I.M., New Delhi
Affiliated to Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar

Hospital Phone - (0278) 2423941
Hospital Email -

Departments of Seth J. P Ayurved College

Staff Members

Name of Reader & HOD - Dr. Ashok Sharma

Educational Qualifications – BAMS MD( Rachana sharir)

Email ID –


Name of Lecturer –Dr.Ishwar Gunwant Tagalpallewar

Educational Qualifications – BAMS MD(Rachana sharir)

Email ID –


Information about Department


The Department of Rachana sharir is well equipped with Museum and demonstration room, Dissection hall and two staff rooms


Rachana sharir museum displays the following educational resources

  50 Models

  2 Bone sets

  42 Charts

15 specimen

1 skeleton

1 Skeleton with muscle attachment

1 X- Ray view box and 8 X-Rays

18 CD

1 Projector with speakers and microphone


Deprtmental activities-


Lectures and dissection on cadaver are being regularly conducted, The lecutres are delivered with the help of educational aids like power point presentation.


Reaserch work-


Reaserch articles are published by departmental faculties in renowned international peer reviewed indexed jounrnals And also presented papers in various national and International seminars.


Dr. Ishwar Gunwant Tagalpallewar Received MD (Rachana sharir) Thesis Award in 2014 from ALL INDIA  SHARIR RESEARCH INSTITUTE LUCKNOW.

Paragraphs are commonly numbered using the decimal system, where (in books) the integral part of the decimal represents the number of the chapter and the fractional parts are arranged in each chapter in order of magnitude. Thus in Whittaker and Watson's 1921 A Course of Modern Analysis, chapter 9 is devoted to Fourier Series; within that chapter §9.6 introduces Riemann's theory, the following section §9.61 treats an associated function, following §9.62 some properties of that function, following §9.621 a related lemma, while §9.63 introduces Riemann's main theorem, and so on. Whittaker and Watson attribute this system of numbering to Giuseppe Peano on their "Contents" page, although this attribution does not seem to be widely credited elsewhere.

Staff Members

Name of Professor – Prof.Dr.Anil Kumar Agrawal

Educational Qualifications – M.D. (Ayu)

Email ID –


Name of Lecturer – Dr. Devang A. Patel

Educational Qualifications – M.D., Ph.D. (Ayu)

Email ID –




Name of Lecturer – Smt. Chandni Jasani

Educational Qualifications – M.A. (Sanskrit)

Email ID –

Information about Department


Ø Department mainly deals with study of classical books of ayurveda named as samhita as well as all the fundamental principles of ayurveda and darshana directly or indirectly related with the clinical practice.

Ø  The only department which is connected with students from first year to fourth year through enlightening the study of Padarth vigyan (fundamental principles of ayurveda), Ashtang Hriday, Sanskrit in first year, Charaka Samhita in second and third year and Research methodology in fourth year respectively. 

Ø Everyday at 12.00pm to 1.00pm our departmental faculties along with students of first year recite the Shloka of Ashtang Hriday Sutrasthana.

Ø Our department organizes at least once in a month a guest lecture of eminent scholar of concerned subjects related to our department from various colleges of Gujarat or outside of the Gujarat.

Ø Every Saturday 11.30pm to 12.30pm one of our departmental faculties present his/her presentation on pre-decided topics of syllabus rotationally.

Ø Bi-monthly all the faculties of our department conducting periodical test of their concerned subjects.

Ø On special days like Charak Jayanti, Vasant Panchami, Guru Purnima etc our department organize different activities or programme like Shloka recitation of classical texts of Ayurveda or quiz competition, Elocution, extempore etc.

Ø Every Year for First year UG students our institutes organize the Shishyopanayana Programme in which our department plays leading role right from planning to execute various programmes regarding the introduction of college and hospital etc.

ØAll our faculty members also serving at Swasthasuraksha OPD to show to  students the applicability of fundamental principles of Ayurveda.


Staff Members


Name of Reader & HOD - 

Educational Qualifications – M.D. (Dravyaguna)

Email ID –


Name of Lecturer – Vd. Manoj J. Timbadiya

Educational Qualifications – M.D. (Dravyaguna)

Email ID –


Information about Department


The Department of Dravyaguna is well-equipped pharmacognocy laboratory, Museum with row and wet specimen, herbal garden and three staff rooms as per the CCIM norms.



Dravyaguna museum displays the following educational resources –

Audiovisual display board with speaker for better explanation of raw and wet specimen.

Raw specimen: 123

Charts: 40

Microscope: 10

Dissecting microscope: 20



Herbal garden:

More than 262 species of medicinal plants.


Departmental Library:

Department has a number of Textbooks and Reference books.


Departmental Activities:

Lectures and Practicals are being regularly conducted in audiovisual room by power point presentation. Educational Visits are regularly planned for identification of various plants in different gardens, colleges and surrounding areas for the UG students. Department regularly arrange the plantation program in college campus and local areas.


Research work:

Research articles are published by departmental faculties in renowned International Peer reviewed Indexed Journals.


Staff Members

Name of Reader & HOD – Vd. Apoorva M. Bhatt

Educational Qualifications – M.D.(Rasa Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana)

Email ID –


Name of Lecturer – Dr. Jalpa Jani

Educational Qualifications –M.D.( Rasa Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana)

Email ID –


Information about Department



The Department of Rasa Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana is well-equipped with a Museum, Laboratory and two Staff rooms as per the CCIM norms.



Rasa Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana museum displays the following educational resources –

4 self-explaining models

More than 100 specimens of Raw Drugs & Prepared Drug materials MUSEUM SPECIMEN

55 informative charts

More than 107 Instruments & Equipments for Practical Purpose


Departmental Library:

Department has a number of Textbooks and Reference books.


Departmental Activities:

Lectures and Practical are being regularly conducted in laboratory at college premises. The lectures are delivered with the help of educational aids like Power point Presentations. Educational Visits are planned for demonstration of Pharmacy having GMP certificates for the UG students so that they can actually understand the working of Ayurveda Pharmacies at industrial level.



Staff Members

Name – Dr. Rujuta N.Trivedi

Designation : Reader & HOD

Educational Qualifications – M.S.,Ph.D. (Prasuti tantra Stri roga)

Email ID –


 Name of Lecturer – Dr. Shachi H. Pandya

Designation :   Lecturer

Educational Qualifications – M.S. (Prasuti tantra Stri roga)

Email ID –


Information about Department


Prasutitantra and Strirog department deals with various kind of diseases of female from adolescence to Menopause. Department also deals with Garbhsanskar procedure which ensures healthy progeny.



The Department of Prasuti tantra Stri roga is well-equipped with charts models and two Staff rooms as per the CCIM norms.


Department have around 20 models ,

50 informative charts and most of all instruments according CCIM norms.


Departmental Library:

Department has different Textbooks and Reference books which enriches in-depth knowledge of the subject.


Departmental Activities:

Lectures and Practical’s are being regularly conducted in college premises. The lectures are delivered with the help of educational aids like PowerPoint Presentations.

 Practicals/Clinics are being conducted at hospital OPD and IPD.

Educational Visits are planned for demonstration of Abnormal Labour and other modern Procedure/surgery for the UG students.


Research work:

Approximately 27 Research articles were published by departmental faculties in renowned International Peer reviewed Indexed Journals.


Hospital work:

Department is having facility of 20 Indoor bed in hospital. Various ayurvedic procedures like Uttarbasti, Yoni prakshalan, Yoni pichu, Yoni dhupan, Yogbasti, Nasya are carried out in Prasuti tantra and stri rog department for treating patients of infertility, menopause and other menstrual disorders.



Staff Members


Name of Lecturer & HOD – Dr. Rashmi Tiwari

Educational Qualifications – M.D. (Agadtantra)

Email ID –


Name of Lecturer – Dr. Nishant B. Barapatre

Educational Qualifications – M.D. (Agadtantra Evum Vidhi Vaidyak)

Email ID –


Information about Department



The Department of Agadtantra is well-equipped with a Museum and two Staff rooms as per the CCIM norms.



Agadtantra museum displays the following educational resources –

17 self-explaining models

4 elaborative pictures

More than 100 specimens of various poisonous materials

33 informative charts

22 weapons


Departmental Library:

Department has a number of Textbooks and Reference books.


Departmental Activities:

Lectures and Practicals are being regularly conducted in college premises. The lectures are delivered with the help of educational aids like Powerpoint Presentations. Educational Visits are planned for demonstration of Post-mortem examination and Court procedure for the UG students.


Research work:

Research articles are published by departmental faculties in renowned International Peer reviewed Indexed Journals. One of the teaching staff is Ph.D. (Scholar) from Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune.

Name of Reader & HOD - Dr. Rajkumar Dhaked

Educational Qualifications – BAMS, MD(Swasthavritta)

Email ID –


Name of Lecturer – Dr. Nilesh Sarvaiya

Educational Qualifications – BAMS, MD(Kayachikitsa)

Email ID –


Information about Department


Swasthavritta is a branch of ayurved which deals with regimen to be followed daily as well as as per the seasons to lead a long and healthy life. Swasthavritta department is well equipped with all infrastructures to impart education of preventive aspects to the students. Apart from well qualified Teaching faculty, there is also appropriate collection of Charts, Models, Equipment, Specimen etc. and departmental library for infusing knowledge to students. Swasthavritta has unique concepts and methodologies to address primary health care. With well-designed operational research and after suitable modifications, it is possible to apply the sound principles of Swasthavritta for promoting longevity with improved quality of life at the level of the individual as well as the community. Department works in domains like Personal health, Public health, Ayurveda dietetics, Yoga, Nisargopachar & Environmental studies.


The Department of Swasthavritta is well equipped with a Museum and two staff rooms.


Swasthavritta museum displays the following educational resources

85 Charts

38 specimen (Aahar Varga)

25 Other specimens


Deprtmental activities-


Lectures and practical demonstrations of Dincharya and Yoga are being regularly conducted. The lectures are delivered with the help of educational aids like power point presentation.




Staff Members

Name – Dr. Krupali Raut

designation : Reader & H.O.D.

Educational Qualifications – M.D. (panchkarma)

Email ID –



Name of Lecturer – Dr. Rajdeep Rao

designation :   Lecturer

Educational Qualifications – M.D. (panchkarma), Ph.D

Email ID –

Paper Publications with ISSN: 22

Book Publication with ISBN: 01

Paper Presentations: 07


Information about Department



The Department of panchkarma is well-equipped with charts models and two Staff rooms as per the CCIM norms.


 panchkarma displays the following educational resources –

06  self-explaining models

12 informative charts


Departmental Library:

Department has Textbooks and Reference books in dept. library.


Departmental Activities:

Lectures and Practicals are being regularly conducted in college premises. The lectures are delivered with the help of educational aids like Powerpoint Presentations.

Practicals/Clinics are being conducted in over hospital OPD and IPD

Research work:

Research articles were regularly published by departmental faculties in renowned International Peer reviewed Indexed Journals.


Departmental faculties were also participates in various International seminars and cme. Faculties also performs their duties  as a guest lecturers and judges  in various International seminars.